I’ve made some “under-the-hood” changes to the code for the MophoGUI VST3. Mostly just minor clean-up, but I did make significant changes to the way the LCD characters in the Program Name Display are rendered, making the process a tad more efficient. The new version is available for download here.
Tag: plugin
Next Up: Matrix-6G VST3
My next project is a VST3 plugin MIDI controller for Oberheim’s Matrix-6R synthesizer module. It should also be capable of editing sounds on the Matrix-1000 as well. Here’s a mock-up of the main editor window, created in Illustrator. Stay tuned for further updates!
MophoGUI Preview Release

MophoGUI version 0.1.0 is now available! It’s a VST3 plugin which allows you to edit the program parameters on a Dave Smith Instruments Mopho synthesizer module from within your DAW. Read more about it and download it here.